Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Skylab - video clipette #1

This motorcycle conversion functions as a school bus/heavy transporter, again I've never seen one larger than 155cc (why do we need such absurdly large capacity bikes for off-road/unsealed roads in Australia?). Strong timber is lashed to the twin downtubes of the frame infront of the engine and a similar shaft is attached through the frame at the rear. Ladder -style seats are attached to the timbers to form banks of seats or as a platform for heavy loads - say 4 x 50kg bags of rice or 10 children (two behind the rider and 6 - 8 on the seats). A 'skylab' has a room fitted to keep passengers and loads dry...

The skylab featured was carrying three people, 50kg rice, two heavy backpacks (including computer) and about 40kg of vegetables, meat, fish, fruit and bottled water.

                                                Netty after the skylab's creek crossing.

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