Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Hubel-hubel - video clipette #2

A hubel-hubel is a ingeniously devised motorcycle capable of carrying heavy loads/lots of people and is never more than 155cc. Classically the basic conversions are an extension seat to comfortably allow two pillions behind the rider, removal of the rear footrests to install treads capable of taking the extra feet or as pannier brackets for heavy loads such as sacks of rice (up to 50kg). The tank often has a rack as seating for another passenger riding side-saddle between the riders arms. Please excuse the quality of the footage, shot from the rear extension seat.

These clips were of necessity kept short;
(a) for fear of dropping the camera,
(b) the need to hang on for dear life and
(c) the deeper mud and water being treacherous enough to require my attention elsewhere.

The bike that Heather, Mhikaela and I were travelling on hit a particularly muddy patch and Heather and I went in, only mildly but Heather's sandals were sucked off her feet by the mud (Mhiki was cradled in the drivers arms). I remain in awe of the pilots of these remarkable machines....... Unfortunately, just after taking the video, we were caught in a wet-season downpour.

Otherwise it was uneventful.
The short clip is included for your amusement.


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